Well, all this while having training in KK, the place I hang out the most is my office and hotel (3 mins walking distance only), and the food stall next to it ( 2 mins walking distance).
I have to admit that I'm a bit easy going on food, not that choosy type. However, my colleaque from JB, who coincidently happen to conduct different training on the same date and location, brought me here.
Well, the place is clean and happening. I like the most of its wall decoration, with different type of musical instruments and pics hanging on the wall. The lighting here are smoothing, calming and it does wonder to make me feel like coming back again.
Here it's the price. The price tag for various type of food are considerably standard and localized. I have to admit that I was shocked by its price tag as I thought it's gonna be expensive since it's a western food restaurant.
Anyway, I have a wonderful dinner here!
hi bro, i nvr knew tat u hv ur own blog. hmmm...u should take some pic of its interior view n post it here bah~~ ^^ ur lovely sis,vivian