Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Again.... I'm sank into the wave of meditation again... I heard an inner voice asking me...why it's not me to enjoy easy but high pay job, why I must travel till last week fall sick seriously but no one else know....and just for that stupid money ppl easily made by sitting on the sofa.! Well, I replied to it and said, calm down, my friend, look not on what you not possess, but what you are about to possess!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Tawau fire

After teaching, came down from GE office, notice that the hotel next door caught in fire. Luckily under control!

Monday, December 20, 2010

seafood Tawau

Just comeback from dinner with Tawau agents at local tourist prefer seafood hacker stall. Nice and yummy. Must come if u r tourist.

KK visit

Visit kk on Saturday before flying to Tawau on Sunday. Mum was there and take the chance to visit grandparents. I think it's the least I can do to show concern.